martes, 3 de junio de 2008

The Films


Alejandro Sánchez-Navarro
Nació el 24 de Agosto de 1960 en la Ciudad de México. Inicio sus estudios musicales cuando tenia diez años. En 1974 ingreso al Conservatorio de la Ciudad de México y en 1978 a la Escuela Nacional de Música. En 1980 viajo a la Ciudad de Boston para continuar con sus estudios. Durante un año estudio en el Berkley College y posteriormente viaja a Nueva York para estudiar en la Manhattan School of music y con el prestigiado pianista Joseph Bloom. Demostrando una capacidad creciente para la composición fue reconocido y becado durante cuatro años por el centro internacional de creadores Bennington College de Nueva Inglaterra, donde continuo con sus estudios de composición, piano y dirección. Finalmente y bajo el auspicio del mismo centro perfecciono sus estudios en Paris Francia durante dos años bajo la dirección e influencia de prestigiados artistas dentro de los que se cuentan: Kenach y Carter.

Desde 1983 y hasta 1985 funda y dirige la Orquesta Sinfónica del Instituto del Gobernador en Vermont. Con esta agrupación no únicamente estrena obras propias y de gran cantidad de colegas sino que además promueve la programación de los grandes repertorios sinfónicos de todos los tiempos.
A su regreso a México en 1987 se dedica por completo a la composición estrenando en ese año La Sinfonía Numero Uno. Sinfonía Del Guerrero, contratando bajo su dirección a mas de 120 músicos durante un magno concierto en el Castillo de Chapultepec y otro en La Sala Silvestre Revueltas del conjunto Ollín Yoliztli. Así mismo escribe la Suite sinfónica Arrecife de Alacranes para fondear la película del mismo nombre y la graba con la Orquesta Sinfónica Del Estado De México bajo su batuta. En 1988 regresa a Los Estados Unidos para trabajar con el compositor y arreglista George Calandrelli en Nueva York y en Los Ángeles e ingresa a la industria de la producción de música mediática. En 1990 retorna por segunda vez a su patria y escribe sin cesar obras de dotación sinfónica, muchas de las cuales aun permanecen sin ser escuchadas. En 1997 contrata a los músicos de la Filarmónica de la Ciudad de México y estrena varias obras sinfónicas dentro de las que destacan: Vuelta de Campana y Encuentro en el Olvido.

On the way Bulgaria

In the spring of 2008, Alejandro Sánchez-Navarro traveled to eastern Europe with the purpose of recording some of his symphonic works. The journey turned out to be a success when he met in Sofia wonderful symphonic musicians who were immersed in a growing industry of symphony recordings, in particular dedicated to the movie industry.

The maestro’s recordings took place at the National Radio Recording Symphony Hall, one of Europe’s best studios, with the collaboration of a splendid group of managers, producers and engineers, which resulted in the Ten Dances of Neo Symphonic Fusion, which are destined to travel around the world.

The Neosymphonic Dances


Tribute to fire

Work that reveal the enigmatic seduction of the port of Acapulco.

The shining of pure energy.


Chants and symphony to the goddess Gaia, regulator of our biosphere.

Spirit of liberty and heroism that unites Mexico to Spain two hundred years after the French invasion of Spain and the start of Mexico’s independence.


Erotic rite of the inhabitants of the reef’s inhabitants.


Work dedicated to our city of Zacatecas, part of Humanity’s World Heritage par excellence, which stores in the memory of its streets and its monuments a great portion of our nation’s colonial history.

Animal and plant protest against the abuse called progress.

Ode to our biosphere reserve in the stat of Quintana Roo.

Universal call to detonate a new era of harmony between human beings and our environment.

Recording in Sofia: Neosymphonic Dances

As you know, some of the music I have written is intended to be performed in synchronicity with films about Nature. I was looking for quality and an affordable budget, and after some extensive international research, I found that Bulgaria offers quality, experience and a competitive budget, making it worth coming so far

The Bulgarian recording was an extraordinary experience. The Sofia Metrop
olitan Orchestra consists of a group of extremely talented musicians, and so is the splendid group the Golden Voices of Sofia.
The musicians were more than happy to see the red light of dawn, as they are very used to going from one recording session to another and another. Even though I do not speak Bulgarian, they could communicate in English and we had a very harmonic relationship

When you travel to such a distant country, you need to find someone with very strong background and experience recording symphonic music, but also someone you can trust. I found those qualities in a master musician, Christo Pavlov, a member of the National Radio Orchestra, and a businessman who offers a wide variety of quality services that virtually cover every aspect of the recording operation.
The first part of the mixing took place at the studio of Histro Yotzov, who is one of the best classical music drummers in Bulgaria and he played drum sets and percussions in the recording of Dances. The second part of the mixing was at the private studio of sound engineer Gregory Gogov, in Dusseldorf, Germany, where we finished the process and mastered the record.

As you know, we have been performing concerts all over Mexico carrying on with our awakening of local citizens to the powers of Nature. Yes, nature turns me on, nature seduces me and turns my mind into a cascade of sounds. We work with filmmakers who love to film every aspect of nature, and we also have some HD engines to create our own films, an example of which is Paradise, an exuberant and mysterious work of art.